Pani Source
   — H2Oh' Wow!


Allen Tsai - Founder, CEO at Pani

Matt Petri - User Interaction and Experience

Hayes Urban - Industrial Design

David Barrett - Industrial Design

Ryan Mcdowell - Video

Cathy Sunu - Photography

The Pani Source Smart Water System is where purification meets personalization. An advanced filtration system gives you the purest pour possible, then lets you enhance your water with minerals, vitamins, flavors and more. It’s craft water at your command.

The pods are dry powder sealed in a cellulose packaging that is breached by an impeller when placed inside the pod casing. When insterted into the pod bay, they can be mixed with the filtered water in requested, concentrated amounts. The impeller raises and rotates in increments with the weight of the pod being noted at each increment to deliver specific volumes.

The jewel like filter, transparent to indicate the ongoing filtering process, is equipped with a micron filter that water passes through, eventually trickling into the mineralizer block coupled at the base.

Working sketches converging on the final design system. The size of the front running concept was validated in its ability for tank refilling, pod placement and size footprint. The feasability of the pod and filter mineralizer were also diagrammed multiple times. The goal was to make the system easy to understand and as integrated as possible.

A model, produced for an approaching videography shoot, baked in are some of the core functionalities that would potentially be important for the foreseeable product timeline.